Thursday, October 6, 2011


I am totally and COMPLETELY Obsessed with Wall Stenciling! I love searching on Pinterest! There are a million cute wall stenciling ideas! I love them all. It's a great way to get wall paper with out using Wallpaper! I am a big fan of wallpaper but this is a good way to get that look without the price!

So pretty much this is the place to get Stencils!

These are just a few examples from their website. I am so in love! I could really do every room and closet in a beautiful pattern!

Here at Nannygoat she shows you an idea how to make a homeade stencil! And she includes a link to print off her design! She has a lot of great tips and really walks you through it!


Who says you have to stop at walls! This is a cool idea I'd never be brave enough to actually try! But I love it!

And I'm loving all the steniled rugs I've seen out there! I want it all!
This last photo comes from
They have tons of awesome ideas!

Hope you feel inspired! So what do you say?? Should we all start stenciling?!!


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