Thursday, December 11, 2014
Hobby Lobby Wrapping Paper
In case there is anyone left who hasn't discovered that Hobby Lobby has the most amazing wrapping paper I thought I'd share!
They are thick papers with lines perfect for cutting those nice straight lines. They always carry the cutest patterns and colors around. Their rolls also have TONS on the roll...none of those 20 feet rolls you buy at other stores!
And guess what all their wrapping paper and ribbon is 40-50% off right now! RUN... Go now if you haven't already! They were running low after all the awesome Black Friday sales.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Kids Recipe Book Binder
Over at 30 Handmade Days I saw the cutest idea to make a KIDS Recipe Binder book!
I pinned it here from Pinterest.
What a wonderful idea! My kids love to help me cook and bake. I've been wanting to give them more control in the kitchen. I really look forward to the day they can cook a meal for our family because they want to. I also would love for them to have the skills to cook while off at college or for their wife! I didn't have many skills in the kitchen and I still have a lot to learn. Mostly because I didn't show much interest in helping as a kid (except when cookie dough was involved!) So it's been a lot of work to learn how to cook. I couldn't cook even the simplest of things... it's so funny now to think back on when we first got married and how little I knew! I am by no means an awesome cook. But I can sure give my kids the basic skills and simple recipes to start now! : )
Right click, save pictures and print if you'd like to use these! If you have any trouble saving these I'd be happy to email them to you. Just comment below with your address.
They are pretty basic and kid friendly.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
My favorite Money/Building Wealth books
I have been reading everything I can get my hands on in the FINANCE and Building Wealth category at my very LIMITED library (one of the "perks" of living in a small town)! I've learned so much over this past month! I want to share some of my favorites and let you know which ones you can't afford not to read too!
(side note: It bugs me that they often have millionaire in the title of most good money books! I guess that's what sells though.)
This book will change your life! You will look at money, spending, debt, and building wealth completely different. He literally gives you 6 easy to follow baby steps to take to save, get out of debt, and build wealth.
This book is what created a desire in me to learn everything I could about money management, budgeting, and building retirement funds, mutual funds, and many more! This was the first book I ever read on money that actually told you simply what to do and it made complete and perfect sense. You finish the book thinking "Duh I already knew that! Why have I not been doing this my whole life?!!" If you don't read the rest of this post you would be totally fine having learned about this book alone! It is everything you need.
2) The 5 Lessons A Millionaire taught me by Richard Paul Evans
This book is an easy read and gives a look into your average millionaire's life. It also gives you 5 lessons to follow. I think Dave's steps are better but this book has a lot of good insight and tips. It basically teaches you how millionaires aren't the flashy ones you see walking around. They aren't the ones with flashy rolex, huge mansion, flashy cars, and designer clothes. They are typically average looking people with decent priced everything, how do you think they got so wealthy?! They spend their money wisely! It's an interesting and fun read and I recommend it for anyone. You could probably read it in an hour.
3) The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach
This is another easy read. I love easy reads about finance! This book talks about making everything automatic as in automatically withdrawn from your account. So your bills are set on auto pay, your savings transfers into your savings, retirement, and mutual funds automatically. So you don't ever have the chance to accidentally decide to spend the money. His theory is you decide once and it's done for you from now on. So when you are weak, lazy, or busy you don't have to think about it. Now while I thought this was a great idea for our savings, retirement and other accounts. I still think it's EXTREMELY important to learn to budget. He says you don't need one. I think that's a joke. Even if it all came out automatically you'd be left with no money if you spent all your food money on clothes. And then what would you do? Pull all your savings out to get more money. Budgeting is important and that's the one thing I disagreed with. But his other tips are awesome. He has a lot of funny money stories and I think making things automatic is a great idea!
4) Stop Acting Rich and start living like a real millionaire by Thomas J. Stanley, PHD
This is the author of the Millionaire next door which I loved. But this book to be honest was kind of a snore! It's mostly data about millionaires vs over spenders who act like "rich" people. And how those who are acting rich are actually poor, in debt, and end up with no retirement living a life of debt and chasing bills. The first couple chapters were very interesting and eye opening. But after a while I felt like " Okay I get it, real millionaires don't blow their money and the stats show it." I still recommend reading it. But you won't get any real step by step advice on how to NOT be one of the "BIG HAT NO CATTLE" types he talks about for 250 pages.
If you like stats you can read this
I hope you find this list helpful! More on how we budget, stay debt free, and manage our money coming soon.
Books to read,
Friday, February 28, 2014
Virtual Road Trip next stop Polish Poise & Pout in ARIZONA!
I'm happy to introduce Polish Poise and Pout a lifestyle blog from Arizona!
These girls are so stylish and seriously everything they put out on their blog is top notch! Their graphics, colors, and content are clean, stylish, and so well done.
Another thing I love about their blog is their awesome YOUTUBE video tutorials!
Their Halloween Makeup tutorial video is my favorite!
All right so let's dive right into the interview!!
Tell us a about your blog?
We are a lifestyle brand dedicated to helping the modern woman
navigate through life in the most stylishly simple way possible.
What inspired you
to Start your blog?
Each of us are enthusiastic business owners in photography,
beauty, and fashion personal styling and we have worked together for two years
now. As our friendship and businesses grew, we wanted to have a place online
that we could pool our resources together and give women valuable and useful
information to create the most dreamy and polished life possible.
What is your dream,
where do you see yourself, and what motivates you to do this every day?
Our dream is to grow our business together (both individually and
with PPP) and hopefully share a studio together one day where we can host
events, create content for the blog, and collaborate and learn from each other
on a daily basis.
We all face different challenges in our lives because although we
have similar personalities that mesh really well, we have very different
Rosemary is a mom of six that works from home with her husband,
Leah is a mom of two that works part time at a salon,
and Lindsey is a single
(with manfriend) lady who works a full time office job and is starting her own
business part time while working. We juggle around responsibilities and are
realistic about expectations. We are very new (we started our blog in October)
so we are learning as we go but we have discovered that holidays are crazy and
we have to make some sacrifices to PPP if we are all going to stay sane
throughout stressful family times. But ultimately we love working together and
sharing the things that we are passionate about to other women.
If you could go back
to your former self in the first year when you were starting what would you
tell yourself or what advice would you give yourself?
Well, we're still here but I would say probably Prior Proper
Planning Prevents Problems. Getting an editorial calendar squared away ASAP is
so important and we're working on that now.
What’s the biggest
piece of advice you could give someone who is thinking about starting a blog?
Get help with what you are weak in so you can polish your
strengths and let your full potential shine. And just do it! You have nothing
to lose!
Where can we Find and
find you at?
My thoughts:
I just LOVE these girls! How awesome are their future goals and
dreams. A studio to host events would be amazing! And everyone would want to
come(including me)! I think it's great that they realize they have to be
realistic and juggle the blog around life and family. Sometimes it's hard to
balance it all. But it sounds like they put what's important in life first! I
love their advice to plan out an editorial calendar and they say if you want to
start your own blog get help with the tasks you are weakest at but ultimately
Thank you so much for sharing your blog and advice Rosemary,
Lindsey, and Leah! I'm obsessed with everything you all do. It's been so fun
watching your awesome blog grow so fast! I love learning from your amazing tips
and tutorials in beauty, fashion, and everything else!!
female entrepreneurs,
virtual roadtrip
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Be Yourself- 5 Reasons you should be!
I have had this thought on my mind lately. BE YOURSELF. Here's the thing I'm outgoing when I meet new people. I can say hi to anyone but when I get one on one with someone new after the initial... HI HOW ARE YOU! SO NICE TO MEET YOU!!! I can't just be myself. I'm a very held back, more reserved version of myself. I am literally bursting with ideas, personality, thoughts and opinions at all times! I have learned that I have to control that too! ha ha. But I think it's so important to be yourself!
I want to commit to be myself and stop worrying about what others want to hear, or how I need/should be in a certain situation. It's just too darn stressful to worry about it anymore! I'm letting go. : )
- So what if I use 5 million exclamations in every paragraph and it probably drives everybody crazy and is totally unprofessional!
- Who cares if I gasp and make big freaky eyes at every exciting story I hear. (It's so true!!)
- So what I'm I'm a spazzy dancer and want to break out in dance when I hear some funky tunes!
- Do I really need to be self conscious that my cupboards are literally bursting with unorganization!
- I find myself trying to fix my language so I sound more adult like and leave out all the TOTALLY's, LIKE's, and everything else I use. WHO CARES!!!
- I'm always wanting to throw awesome parties, which I do occasionally. But I would do it so much more if I didn't feel the pressure to have perfect decor, invites, food, and place settings! (I kinda love doing all that stuff) But If I don't have time, why not still PARTY it up with friends!? I blame Pinterest! We have a love hate relationship ; )
I am committing to make a conscious effort TODAY and from now on to just be myself! If somebody doesn't like me it's okay I have lots of friends and loved ones who do! I will at least know when I look in the mirror I am being me and I like me when I'm being me...
As I've been pondering this...Here's a few reasons I came up with as to why you (and me) should be ourselves!
5 Reasons To Be Yourself
1) Everybody else is taken, so be yourself!
I have truly grown to appreciate all the different kinds of people I have met and become friends with over the past couple of years. It takes all kinds to make up this interesting world of people we live in. And I absolutely love it! In fact my 3 year old is one of the biggest weirdos I know and I love him so much for it!! Life is way more exciting and interesting with him around!
2) You will feel better and free!
You can't please everyone. Why does it matter what everyone else thinks anyway. Life is too precious to sit around worrying what everybody else thinks. It's so freeing to just be yourself and let go.
3) Everyone is missing out on the REAL you!!
How many friends or family members have you known that were shy or quiet. And you thought to yourself wow if others knew how awesome, fun, goofy, smart, or funny this person was they would be so shocked! They are totally missing out! I don't want my friends/family to miss out on me and I don't want to miss out on the real you either!
4) Staying true to yourself enhances your creativity
When you aren't being held back by boundaries of how you should be, you can let your creativity flow! I find that when I do a lot of research for my business. How to improve sales, how to take better pictures...etc. I find myself not enjoying it anymore. I'm trying to do all these things that I've read or I'm "SUPPOSED" to do and it's not ME being me and just creating! I do WAY better when I take little chunks of advice but allow myself to be free and create what I want how I want. Just because a friend or Joe from some best selling book tells you that you need to do something a certain way, it doesn't make it true for you!
5) Your heart will never lead you astray
"Always listen to your heart. Even if it is on your left side it's still always right!"
You don't want to live a life full of regrets and wish you had followed your heart. I think of a job that may not make as much money but makes you happy. I think of making the right decisions for your kids because you know in your heart it's right even when others tell you other wise. I think of standing up for what's right even when it's unpopular or uncool. Being YOU will always bring you happiness in the end.
be yourself,
self improvement
Friday, February 14, 2014
Utah photographer LaLa's Lens Photography is our 3rd Stop!

I am so excited about today's Female Entrepreneur for 2 reason! First she's from UTAH (my home state where I grew up)! And Second because she is a Photographer. Anybody who knows me at all knows I think photography is the bomb dot com!
Lauren Ford Adams from Utah is the girl behind the amazing LaLa's Lens Photography.
Isn't she so cute! You can tell she has one of those contagious smiles. : )
Let's dive right in so we can all fall in love with Lauren and her beautiful photographs!
Lauren, tell
us about your business?
I have a wedding and portrait photography
business based in Davis County, Utah. I have a love affair with warm light and
it shows in my pictures. I am often heard raving about how much I love weddings
for the tans, white teeth and ear to ear grins. My favorite sessions are
engagement sessions because the love is so new, fresh and exciting.
inspired you to start a photography business?
My cousin was a photography major in college and
asked me to come along to a wedding. When I started reviewing the photos I took
I realized it was something I could do. I have always been interested in
photography but it is a really intimidating hobby to take up. I shot my first
solo wedding for free and have been snapping ever since.
What is your dream, where do you see yourself ,
and what motivates you to do this every day?
My dream is to do photography because I love it,
not out of necessity. I actually think this is more an attitude than anything
else. 90% of the time I love what I do, the other 10% can seem a bit daunting. It
may sound funny but I know that the key
to enjoying that 10% is my organization.
What motivates me to do this everyday?
My love for color, composition and faces.
was your biggest challenge throughout the process of starting and growing your
Oh gosh,
comparing myself to everyone. I remember being 1 year in and getting so
frustrated that I wasn’t on the level of photographers that had been at it for
10 years with a formal education. Once I stopped looking at their stuff and
started focusing on mine my work improved exponentially.
If you could go back to your former self in the
first year(s) when you were starting what would you tell yourself or what
advice would you give yourself?
Shadow, ask questions, shoot, shoot, shoot. The
only way to get better at anything is trial and error and to do it. AND the
biggest motivator I would give myself is “You WILL get there… just keep at it”.
the biggest piece of advice you could give someone who is thinking about starting
a business?
Talk to those who are successful, most are
willing to lend free advice.
Become a master of one thing. Know where your talents
Have fun!
can we Find and follow you at?
instagram: @lalas_lens
Phone: 801-360-0789
virtual roadtrip
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Next Stop NORTH CAROLINA with Girls Best Delegate
I am loving and I mean LOVING this Virtual Road Trip! I'm learning so much about these incredible women and Moms who have started businesses that have taken off. They all inspire me so much. Our next female entrepreneur is definitely inspiring. Her story reminded me that there are all different kinds of great businesses out there. Being a business owner myself I can really see the benefit of having someone like her be apart of your business!
Our next stop is in North Carolina where we meet the owner of Girl's Best Delegate.
Her name is Ta'Cora Polite. I love everything about her company. Read on to hear all about her and how she got started!
Tell us a about Girl’s Best Delegate?
Girl's Best Delegate (GBD) helps female
entrepreneurs work ON their brand, not in it. I provide them with alleviation,
efficiency, and quality execution as their virtual assistant. My niche clients
are women who have brands in the fashion and beauty industries including
bloggers, editors, fashion retailers, makeup artists (MUA), etc. My service
areas include email management, social media, administrative and clerical
tasks, and blog support.
inspired you to start GBD?
I've always been the "Go To Girl" for
my past supervisors, small business owners, or even my close friends when they
really just want to be sure that something will get done! They trust me because
I give 100% to anything that has my name attached to it. I can't help it. It's
always come naturally to me and because it's not forced and it's helpful to
others, I enjoy it. I define my success by my sense of accomplishment and every
time I help someone complete something, especially if they've never followed
through with anything before, I feel accomplished. Therefore, I'm successful so
this is what I was made for.
is your dream, where do you see yourself, and what motivates you to do this
every day?
My dream is for GBD to be the first
business that crosses the mind of every female entrepreneur who has a fashion
or beauty brand once she finally makes the wise decision to delegate or
outsource her low income tasks. My dream is to also, of course, be financially
free by my own definition and to always be location independent. I love
traveling and I have plenty more of the world to see so having a career that
doesn't depend on where I'm located is very important to me.
was your biggest challenge throughout the process of starting and growing your
Honestly, my biggest challenge was
actually doing something versus continuing to plan. I know that sounds weird
because my job is to DO but out of fear and my desire to make sure everything
is "perfect", which it'll never be, I spent quite a bit of time
planning and less than half of that time doing. This is a mistake. My mentor
says that success requires action. It won't just come to you and I understand
that now.
you could go back to your former self in the first year(s) when you were starting
what would you tell yourself or what advice would you give yourself?
I would simply say "Ta'Cora, you
got this! This is what you do. You've planned and planned. Now it's time to
take action and at least give the world a chance
to accept or reject you."
What’s the biggest piece of advice you could give someone who is
thinking about starting a business or blog?
My biggest piece of advice would be for them to
hone in on a specific target audience, customer, or client. You can't please
everyone and people like to feel a certain level of exclusivity when they do
business. You want your target audience to feel confident and at home when they
encounter your business, like it was created just for them because it was. It's
so much easier to market yourself, plan events, and network once you know the
person you're seeking to work with.
Where can we Find and follow you at?
What an amazing girl right?!
A few things that stood out to me:
1) I really liked how she mentioned that DOING something versus planning was a challenge for her at first. I think so many female entrepreneurs do this. We want everything to be perfect so we wait or don't ever start. "Success requires action."
2) I loved her pep talk to her former self! "Give the world a chance to accept or reject you"
3) Her advice to hone in on a special target audience, customer, or client was spot on. I need to remember this too.
Thank you so much Ta'Cora! It was a pleasure to learn about you and your business. You are so driven, professional, classy, beautiful and it's a privilege to post about you!
virtual roadtrip
Rachel from The Biggest Loser
I can't hold back any longer! I have to write a post about this.
What did you all think when you saw Rachel walk out on stage?
I was SHOCKED! I knew she would be fit, I figured she would win. She was winning every challenge and I could that quitting was not an option. I was not expecting her to be this thin though. Don't they say the camera adds five pounds too?? She must have looked even thinner in person. These pictures don't do it justice. When you watched it live she just looked super super thin. I immediately gasped and covered my mouth. Bob and Jillian's faces were absolutely shocked and worried.
I felt bad after all of these thoughts fled through my mind. I kept thinking how she worked so hard and how she would probably get critisized for being too thin or looking unhealthy. If she really only used healthy methods to get to this point then good for her. Her transformation really in incredible! I was so nervous when she stepped on the scale that it would say 90 pounds and everyone would gasp.
Rachel's Starting Weight: 260
Rachel's Finale Weight: 105
She lost 155 pounds
and 59.62% body fat
She really was an inspiration all through out the show though. She would prepare ahead of time her food when they flew out of town. She would work so hard and nothing got in her way. She seemed to win almost every challenge. Proof that when you put your mind to something you can accomplish anything!
Monday, February 10, 2014
Gold Glam at
I'm so excited about these Gold and Metallic pillows on our website !
I am obsessed with all things gold. I just love these and I hope you do too! : )
I am obsessed with all things gold. I just love these and I hope you do too! : )
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