Baby shopping is so much fun! I am having so much fun finding all these cute little boy patterns and things! 

Brody's Crib Bedding!!!
We had to order the crib blanket on Ebay cause they discontinued this set! So everything was sold out and gone! But I love this Wendy Bellisimo baby brand! She has so many adorable nursery bedding sets for baby boys and girls! They are sold at Babies R Us.
This is his Bedding... I still haven't bought the crib yet! But I already know which one I want and I figure it will just be collecting dust in an empty room for another two months! So I think we'll buy it next month! But This is the Crib Sheet, Bed skirt in the top left, and his comfy blanket! I will post a pic once it's all put together will the bumper pads and everything...but I just love the patterns!
I had to throw in a cute picture of my La Juvee! This is her standing up to look out the window at some other dog being walked in the neighborhood! Don't let her fool you.... I take her on walks too!!!
Brody's Crib Bedding!!!
How fun! I love shopping for baby stuff too. My sister is 7 months prego too! It is so fun! I can't wait till I get to have one! :) YOu look so cute pregnant!
I love all the stuff you bought- how fun! And you're baby bump is so cute.. really, you don't look huge at all (although you probably feel like you do)! You make a very cute pregnant mama!
What a cute crib bedding set, I love it!!! And all of his clothes are too cute!! And Juvee is adorable too!!
Ah! Those shoes are AWESOME! I always seems to be easier to find cute girl things than boys but you've found 'em! I love the bibs too!
lace all the stuff is so cute! I just love it! and you look awesome as well! How are things going? I ran into Wendy at the store the other day it was crazy she looks so different!
So fun! I still love shopping for'll find the girl clothes and things OVERPOWER the boy stuff. But you've got some great things already!
The toys are us in orem does not have one that cute did you get it up in salt lake?
I have those shoes! Aren't they so cute!? I love your bedding!
Thanks girly, he is so much fun. I can't wait for you too meet your little guy. You will be in baby heaven too. Oh and all the boy stuff is so cute, my advice though is if your having a baby shower than try not to buy to much on your own. I have baby clothes coming out of my ears and really don't know what to do with it all. He will never be able to wear all the stuff he has. It's hard not to buy stuff though huh.
I love the shoes, so cute. I am looking forward to the post with the bed all set up :)
I love all your cute boy stuff. I'm glad you found our blog. It was fun seeing you at basketball yesterday. I can't wait to see his bedding all set up.
so cute and fun I got those same shoes for my little boy.. you look great and I bet you cant wait. I wish mine would come already but I am not due till after you!!
Not only are BABY things super duper ooper cute...but BABY BOY things are stinkin' adorable!!!
I can't wait for this little man to arrive!!!
Hope all goes well! Best of luck!
so cute! i love looking at all the fun boy clothes! so excited for brody to get here!
Lace! I love the bedding you picked out! It is so adorable! You still look amazing even at 7 months! How do you do it??!! I hope you are doing well! I am so excited to see this little burrito!!
Thank u :-) look at that emo boy style at this blog:
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